Past Pioneer Press » August


August 2021

Dear Students and Parents,

We extend a cordial welcome to you this school year.  We are looking forward to a productive and rewarding year for all of our students at Plainview Academic Charter Academy.  Our aim is to provide the best educational environment possible for each child to reach their maximum potential and to develop an appreciation of learning and respect for excellence in performance.

Please read the monthly Pioneer Press carefully so you will be informed about our school programs, events, holidays and changes in schedules.  A paper copy will come home with your child the first of every month.  You can find an electronic copy on our school website. 


Gate Opens                7:30 a.m.

First Bell K-5               8:05 – Students line up

Breakfast K – 5           8:10 a.m. ­– 8:30 a.m. 

Instructional Day         8:10 a.m. – 2:34 p.m.


SAFETY TO AND FROM SCHOOL – The school office opens at 7:30 AM, children should not arrive before 7:30 AM.  Parents should determine the shortest and safest route for their children to walk to school.  Safety rules should be thoroughly discussed (including crossing streets at intersections only) so it is completely understood by your child.  If you drive your child to school, please use the front of the school to drop off your child.  The staff parking lot and drive ways are off-limits for this purpose and only employees may park in the parking lot.  Please obey the traffic and parking signs.  DO NOT park in the bus zone.  Remember to be aware of your surrounding and watch out for the children.

PUPIL ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE - California State Law requires every child of school age to attend school unless ill.  When returning from an absence, the child must present a written note from his/her parent or from their doctor, stating their full name, cause/reason of the absence, and date of the absence.  Coming in late or leaving early counts against your child’s attendance.  All students and staff automatically participate in the “I Rise. I Attend. I Matter.” District attendance program. 

RELEASE OF CHILDREN DURING SCHOOL HOURS - For the protection of your child, children cannot be released by teachers during school hours without the approval of the principal.  If it is necessary for your child to be excused, it is essential that you call for him/her by 2:00 pm, come into the school office, and provide valid picture identification.  Children cannot be released during school hours on the basis of a telephone call or note.  Children may only be released to the parent or person listed on the Emergency Information Card.  No child may be released to any person under the age of 18 or to someone without proper identification.

EMERGENCY INFORMATION - Emergency information must be on file with the school.  Emergency Information cards will be sent home the first week of school.  Parents should keep this information up to date by informing the school immediately of changes in phone numbers, addresses, and contacts.  Children will be released only to those people who are indicated on their emergency card and have a valid photo I.D. to verify their identity.

You can access your child’s emergency information on the Parent Portal.  

EMERGENCY DISPERSAL PLAN - If a serious emergency arises, all children will be kept at school until released by their teacher to a parent or designated adult as shown on the Emergency Card.  The reunion gate is the back gate on Jayseel Street.  In our plan, should the emergency continue, children would eventually be moved to Verdugo Hills High School, or other LAUSD designated location, which will serve as an extended emergency site until ALL children are reunited with their families.

HOMEWORK - Homework is an essential part of our program and is assigned on a daily basis.  Generally, no homework is assigned on weekends or holidays.  Homework is a "follow-up" of a lesson that has previously been taught in class and assigned to reinforce, maintain, enrich or extend fundamental skills.  Scheduling of homework will vary with grade level and subjects.  Some assignments will be in the nature of long-term projects that the student will have to complete at home.  IF YOUR CHILD DOES NOT BRING HOMEWORK HOME FOR SEVERAL DAYS, PLEASE CHECK WITH THE TEACHER.

GENERAL HOMEWORK TIME ALLOCATION:  Kindergarten - 15 to 20 minutes a day, Grades 1 & 2 - 30 to 35 minutes a day, Grades 3 & 4 - 35 to 45 minutes a day, Grade 5 - 50 to 60 minutes a day.  All students should read or be read to daily. 

DRESS CODE – Students must wear their uniform colors daily, except on Free Dress Fridays.


Wear shoes with high heels, poor traction or open toe, because these can be dangerous for children who must play daily on the yard and participate in physical education.  Comfortable, closed toe shoes such as sneakers are recommended for student use.

Wear hats inside the classroom or headbands on their forehead.  Wear short shorts, midriffs, sandals, tube tops, and/or spaghetti strap clothes. 

Wear make-up to school.



Students, parents and staff will:

1.  Be courteous and respectful to everyone on campus.

2.  Take responsibility for the cleanliness of the bathroom, campus, and playground at all times.

3.  Use appropriate, respectful, school language.

4.  Strive for student achievement.