Parents » Pioneer Press

Pioneer Press

100th Day of school in our 100th year! – You can take photos after school in the auditorium on Tuesday, 2-4-2025. 


SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL MEETING - SSC Meeting will be on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 2:45 in person in the Parent Center Room 12 and on zoom.

Zoom id: 225 890 7819

Passcode: 380622


LOCAL SCHOOL LEADERSHIP COUNSEL - LSLC meeting will be on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 3:30 pm in the Parent Center, room 12 and on zoom.

Zoom id: 225 890 7819

Passcode: 380622


ESL (English as a Second Language)- ESL classes will begin on Monday, 2-10-2025 in the Parent Center from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.  Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays. 


PSA- Our Pupil Services Attendance, Ms. Viljanen, will be providing an attendance presentation on Monday, 2-10-2025 at 2:00 pm in the Parent Center.  This is an opportunity to ask questions and learn why attendance matters. 


AWARDS ASSEMBLYOur November, December & January Awards Assembly will be on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.  Kindergarten and 1st grade is at 8:30 am, 2nd and 3rd grade is at 9:15 am, UTK is at 9:45 am, 4th and 5th grade is at 10:30 am.

Zoom id: 225 890 7819

Passcode: 380622


ELAC Meeting –The next English Learner Advisory Committee meeting will be on Thursday, 2-13-2025 at 8:15 am in the Parent Center, Room 12.  The topic will be attendance.

Zoom id: 225 890 7819

Passcode: 380622


VALENTINE’S DAY – On this day, our focus is on showing appreciation for our friends and family.  There will be time set aside after lunch for the exchange of cards in your child’s classroom on Friday, February 14, 2025.  It is not mandatory for your child to participate. 


COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL: Join Mr. Magdaleno for coffee on 2-14-2025, at 8:15 am in the Parent Center. The presentation will be “We Are One”.       


PRESIDENT’S DAY – Monday, February 17, 2025, is President's Day.  The school and playground will be closed.


P.T.A. Meeting – Our Parent, Teachers Association meeting will be on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 2:45 in person in the auditorium.


SPIRIT DAY – This month we celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday (March 2).  The last week of February will have themed days. Monday, 2-24: Cat in the hat-wear your favorite hat, Tuesday, 2-25: Fox in socks-Wear some fun socks, Wednesday, 2-26: Wacky Wednesday- Wear mismatched or backwards clothes, Thursday2-27: Thing 1 & Thing 2-Twin Day

Friday, 2-28: Dress up as your favorite book character (any series).


R.I.F. Distribution – Reading Is Fundamental distribution will be on Friday, 2-28.  Our theme is Dr. Seuss/Read Across America.  All students will receive two new books and one used book.  Students are invited to dress as their favorite Dr. Seuss character.   


AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT – There are many afterschool enrichment opportunities.  Please check our website for more information. 


SCHOOL UNIFORMS – Please remember that we have a school uniform.  Black or navy bottoms, (pants, skirts, shorts, etc.), burgundy or navy tops.  Fridays are free dress days.  Students must always wear closed-toed shoes. 


EMERGENCY INFORMATION UPDATED - If you have changed your phone numbers (home, work, or cell) please inform the office to change the information on your child's emergency card. If you need to change the emergency contacts or your address, please fill out a new emergency card with the office.


SAFETY IS # 1 – Please be cautious when dropping your child off in the morning.  Do not have your child run across the street.  Please drive slowly and be mindful of the other children. Parents may park in the parking lot after 3:00 pm.  However, parents are NEVER allowed to park OR DRIVE on the service road or on campus.

You may not use the parking lot or driveways to drop off your child in the morning.   


LOST AND FOUND – Please check your child’s items, (lunch pail, jacket, sweater, etc.) to make sure it is theirs.  Some students have the same items, and they get confused.  If your child is missing items, please check the lost and found rack. Make sure you write your child’s name on their items and inside their jacket. 


Upcoming events

March 10th to 14th – Parent conferences

Monday the 10th, Wednesday the 12th & Thursday the 13th dismissal at 12:58 pm, Tuesday the 5th dismissal at 1:35 pm, and Friday the 14th dismissal at 2:35 pm

March 27 – Spirit Day-Pirates and Ninjas