Spirit Day

Spirit Day
8/29/2024, 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
Microsoft Teams Meeting

UTK, Room 5 & Room 10 color is light blue
Kindergarten is yellow
1st grade is green
2nd grade is red
3rd grade is purple
4th grade is black
5th grade is white
Out of the classroom staff color is grey

Microsoft Teams Need help?<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting?omkt=en-US>
Join the meeting now<https://teams......16f45-1ca0-41a9-ad5e-6cf1ebcce643%22%7d>
Meeting ID: 245 116 694 875
Passcode: dZ7hmi
For organizers: Meeting options<https://[email protected]&messageId=0&language=en-US>

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